Matthew 3:16 to 4:11
The Apostle Matthew tells us that after Jesus was baptized, after he had risen from the waters of the Jordan River, at that moment the heavens were opened, and that the spirit of God descended upon Jesus as in the form of a dove (Not a physical dove) and that Jehovah, his father, our God, said this is my beloved son in whom I am pleased, thus confirming that Jesus was the son of God, sent to us mortals sinners for our salvation.
It also tells us that after the baptism of water and the baptism of the holy spirit, Jesus was led by the same spirit of God into the desert to be tempted and tested.
And the same thing happens with us, just after being baptized, we are not led into a physical desert but we do fall into a spiritual desert. That is why it is our duty and our obligation to always be in contact with the spirit of God, so that when we go through these tests, they can be overcome, so that we can face the temptations of the past and the future.
Making it clear that only we can face our own deserts and that the time our deserts last depends purely and exclusively on us, and if we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the influences of the evil one, let us take the example of Jesus, when the devil He saw that Jesus was on the verge of weakness from not eating or drinking water, he appeared to him and began to offer him things and tell him to do things, but Jesus despite his bodily weakness, because of course, he also had the limitations of a being human, resisted the words of Lucifer, Thanks to your faith and Knowledge of the book of the holy scriptures. Jesus teaches us that if we rely on the word of Jehovah we will be victorious.
Reflect and Answer:
1. What happened to Jesus after his baptism? What should you expect after your baptism?
2. How was Jesus tempted to question his relationship with God? Was this God's plan for him?
3. How has Satan tempted you with doubts/insecurity/fears since your baptism?
4. How did Jesus use the Bible to fight temptation? How does the Bible expose Satan's lies?
Ephesians 6:10-18
The Apostle Paul, taking the Roman armor as an example, tells us that we have at our disposal the armor of God.
He tells us to take the Yelmo (Helmet), to protect our minds from the influences of the enemy,
That we equip ourselves with the breastplate of justice, (Pecto) showing us that we must be fair at all times, so that God's justice always goes before us.
That we put on the dressing shoes (sandals) of the gospel of peace, telling you that at no time do we stop preaching wherever we go.
In addition, it does not say that we protect ourselves with the shield of Faith (Shield), exhorting us in this way to scrutinize the scriptures, since they are for us the same as they were for Jesus, his most powerful weapon since through them we will be able to resist the enemy attacks.
Let us always remember that at the moment of beginning our Bible study, we must, through prayer and supplication to the Holy Spirit, ask for his guidance and understanding, so that the mysteries of the word are clearly revealed to us.
And not leaving aside another very important activity that is watching over and remaining in the supplication of all the saints.
I reflect and respond:
1. How could the devil plot against you?
2. What armor has God provided to keep you strong?
3. What is our only "weapon" against Satan (Ephesians 6:17)?
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